Concise Accountancy

Accountants and Registered Auditors

COVID news update

UK schools closed the help available

UK schools closed until further notice from 20 March 2020 during the coronavirus COVID19 outbreak. However, children of the critical key workers have the options to send their children to schools.

The UK schools closed undoubtedly would have an impact of family-run businesses and self-employed individuals with children.

The government is taking the right precautionary measure to prevent the spread of COVID19 virus. We are smart people, we can always manoeuvre and adapt to work things out during an emergency situation like this.

Here is one of the free online resources used by one of our accountants for a child that loves mathematics.

Maths for kids that love numbers provide free worksheets for children to practice their mathematic. They cover maths from kindergarten level to complex mathematics. Topics include the algebra, geometry, integers, fractions, per cent, number lines, precalculus and so on. Try it.

Companies House free web filing service

The good news is that you can submit your legal documents to Companies House while you looking after your children at home. You print out the maths worksheets for your kids. While your kids do their maths you do your online filing. Even better if everyone can sit on the same table so you can keep an eye on your kids.

Generally, you can submit your company accounts and confirmation statement online. All you require is your company’s authentication code.

If you have any questions about your limited company, you may contact Companies House or email our accountants at

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