Collect customers’ contact details become mandatory for some businesses in England starting from 18 September 2020.
If you are in the following businesses then you are required to collect your customers’ contact details by law.
- Pubs
- Restaurants
- Cafes
- Hairdressers
- Cinemas
- Other businesses involve close contact
You must keep your customers contact details for 21 days. You must collect the following details from your customers.
- Name
- Contact number
- Date of visit
- Arrival time and departure time where possible
Correspondingly, you must provide your customers’ contact details to the NHS Test and Trace when requested for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 purposes. On the other hand, if your business failed to comply with this rule, you could be fined.
Recently, the government has also introduced the rule of 6 in England to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 virus. The rule of 6 is where no gathering of more than 6 people socially is allowed whether the gathering is indoor or outdoor.
The government reminds the public to do the 3 things that would minimise or prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds
- Wear a face covering in confined spaces
- Stay 2 metres away from people you don’t live with.
Read the press release here.
Companies House filings during COVID-19 pandemic
You can submit your company documents to Companies House online. You would require your company’s authentication code to do so. The authentication code is the electronic equivalent of your company’s director(s) signatures. Hence, you must keep it safe.
The documents you can file online includes:
- Confirmation statement
- Company accounts
- Events driven filings i.e appoint a new director or change of your registered office address.
- Closing down your company.
Companies House has also created an interim paperless filing service to accept documents which would normally require a live signature during COVID-19 pandemic. You can easily upload your documents to the Companies House website.
If you require help with your company’s filings, contact our accountants. They will be more than happy to assist you.