AA02 to file dormant company account
You may use an accountant or you can do it yourself to complete the form AA02 to file your dormant company account (DCA) with […]
You may use an accountant or you can do it yourself to complete the form AA02 to file your dormant company account (DCA) with […]
You must complete the form AD07 to notify discontinuance of overseas branch register with Companies House. Information required to complete the form AD07 You […]
You must complete the form AD06 to notify opening of overseas branch register with Companies House. Information required to complete the form AD06 You […]
You must complete the form DS02 to withdraw your company dissolution application with Companies House. You must comply with section 1009 of the Companies […]
You must complete the form EW03 to withdraw the election to keep the register of secretaries on the public register. Information required to complete […]