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New law to tackle coronavirus

The UK government is serious steps to control the coronavirus outbreak. Recently, a new law to tackle the coronavirus (COVID)-19) has been enforced. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 was implemented to tackle the coronavirus outbreak in England. Generally, this law is to seek cooperation from the public to prevent further spread of the virus in England.

As of 03 March 2020, the Public Health website brings the number of positive cases of coronavirus to 51. The day before on 02 March 2020, the number of cases was 40. About 27.5% increase overnight. The risk remains at moderate.

the new law to tackle the coronavirus definitely was implemented well to help those medical staff and professionals to execute their roles efficiently and effectively. The law specified two conditions. Condition A and Condition B. Primarily, these conditions are focused on people returning to the UK from infected areas. You can find out the latest list of infected areas and countries from the Public Health Website.

Condition A of the coronavirus law

Condition A is that

  1. The Secretary of State or a registered public health consultant has reasonable grounds to believe that the person is, or maybe, infected or contaminated with Coronavirus; and
  2. The Secretary of State or a registered public health consultant considers that there is a risk that the person might infect or contaminate others.

Condition B of the coronavirus law

Condition B is that the person

  1. The person has arrived in England on an aircraft, ship or train from outside the United Kingdom, whether directly or via Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales; and
  2. The person has left, or the Secretary of State or a registered public health consultant has reasonable grounds to believe the person has left, an infected area within the 14 day period immediately preceding the date of the person’s arrival in England.

The law also talks about if the person is a child, a minor. How the responsible adult can help in this situation.

Fine up to £1000

You may be committed an offence if you deliberately do not comply. You may be subject to a fine on summary conviction not exceeding level 3 of the standard scale. In other words, you can be fine up to £1000.

Medical help available

You may use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do next if you have been travelling to the infected areas or you have flu-like symptoms. Alternatively, you may call NHS 111 to ask for help.

Do not go to the GP nursery, pharmacy or hospital. You must stay indoors and avoid contact with other people.

How Companies House can help you during this coronavirus time

Companies House provides web filing service. If where you are currently based have an internet connection, you are good to go. Another thing you would need is your company’s authentication code. With the WIFI and your authentication code, you can submit your confirmation statement and company accounts using the web filing service.

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  1. Hi, the New law to tackle coronavirus article it is well written and is very useful.

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