You can apply to Companies House to correct a director’s date of birth for error that was made on incorporation. Normally, This type of error occurred when you have more than one director’s details to fill in or information mixed up with other director or an oversight. Luckily, Companies House allows correction to be made to a director’s date of birth.
You cannot use the form CH01 to change a director’s date of birth. The CH01 can only be used for changing your usual residential address, service address and your name.
How to correct a director’s date of birth
For this purpose, you must complete the form RP CH01. You must include the director’s full name and the month and year of birth of the director currently registered with the Companies House. And of course, the correct date of birth of the director.
Concurrently, you must also submit the companies house form RP02A together with this RP CH01. The RP02A form is to apply for rectification by the Registrar of Companies. You would declare the reason for rectification is the information is factually inaccurate.
Additionally, if your company has opted in the PROOF scheme, you must also complete the form PR03 consent form for paper filing.
Other documents you must submit to Companies House are your company accounts and confirmation statement.
If you have any questions about correcting your director’s date of birth, contact Companies House.