Concise Accountancy

Accountants and Registered Auditors

SIC codes

SIC codes for Information and communication businesses

You are required to specify a SIC code when completing your confirmation statement for Companies House. SIC stands for Standard Industrial Classification. This article focuses on Section J of the SIC codes for Information and communication businesses. The SIC codes are divided into sections in alphabetical order, ranging from Section A to Section U.

The Office for National Statistics refers to these SIC codes as the UK SIC 2007 codes and use them to produce statistics.

Section J: SIC codes for Information and communication

SIC codeDescription
58110Book publishing
58120Publishing of directories and mailing lists
58130Publishing of newspapers
58141Publishing of learned journals
58142Publishing of consumer and business journals and periodicals
58190Other publishing activities
58210Publishing of computer games
58290Other software publishing
59111Motion picture production activities
59112Video production activities
59113Television programme production activities
59120Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities
59131Motion picture distribution activities
59132Video distribution activities
59133Television programme distribution activities
59140Motion picture projection activities
59200Sound recording and music publishing activities
60100Radio broadcasting
60200Television programming and broadcasting activities
61100Wired telecommunications activities
61200Wireless telecommunications activities
61300Satellite telecommunications activities
61900Other telecommunications activities
62011Ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software development
62012Business and domestic software development
62020Information technology consultancy activities
62030Computer facilities management activities
62090Other information technology service activities
63110Data processing, hosting and related activities
63120Web portals
63910News agency activities
63990Other information service activities n.e.c.
Source: Companies House

Choose the correct SIC codes for your business

You are required to specify at least one SIC code that closely represents your business activity when you complete your confirmation statement for Companies House.

For example, if you are a publishing house and you are using a limited company for this business activity you would require to submit a confirmation statement to Companies House at least once every 12 months. You can submit your confirmation statement online or by post.

In your confirmation statement CS01 form, under the Standard Industrial Classification code, the SIC codes that related publishing business activities are as follows:

  • 58110 Book publishing
  • 58120 Publishing of directories and mailing lists
  • 58130 Publishing of newspapers
  • 58141 Publishing of learned journals
  • 58142 Publishing of consumer and business journals and periodical
  • 58190 Other publishing activities

SIC codes for other businesses not related to Information and communication

Click here for a list of SIC codes for other business activities not listed above.

Disclose your business activity in your company accounts

You are also required to disclose your business activities in your company accounts. Usually, the disclosure is in the format of a description rather than using the SIC codes.

For example, you would write in your director’s report under Principal activities heading something like this.

“The principal activity of the company is that of book publication. There has been no change in the business activity during the year or since the balance sheet date. The director is of the view that the company is well-positioned for the future.”

The director’s report is part of your company accounts.

If you require help with your company’s filings with Companies House or HM Revenue and Customs, feel free to contact our accountants. They will be more than happy to assist you.

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