Companies House issue company registration numbers to every limited company incorporated in the United Kingdom. Your company registration numbers are a unique to your company. It is also known as company incorporation number or company number. Your company registration numbers is an official identification number for your company. In other words, it is your company’s ID.
It is also known as company incorporation numbers or company numbers. Your company registration numbers is an official identification number for your company.
Format of company registration numbers
The table below shows company registration number format corresponds with the company’s country of registration in the United Kingdom at a glance.
Co. with registered office in | Co. incorporation numbers format |
England and Wales | 01234567 |
Scotland | SC123456 |
Northern Ireland | NI123456 |
First of all, a limited company with a registered office address in England or Wales shall have 8 digits numbers starting with zero as its company incorporation number. For example, Fine Arts and Pictures Limited have a company registration number 08409295.
Secondly, a limited company with registered office address in Scotland has slightly different company registration number format to that of companies registered in England and Wales. The company registration number shall start with SC followed by 6 digits numbers. SC is the abbreviation of Scotland. For instance, Scotland Company shall have company incorporation number read SC123456.
Lastly, a limited company with a registered office address in Belfast Northern Ireland shall have a company incorporation numbers starting with NI followed by 6 digits numbers. NI is the abbreviation of Northern Ireland. For instance, Northern Ireland Company shall have company incorporation number read NI123456.
Companies House also use other prefixes for different company types. For example, an overseas company has a prefix either start with ‘FC’ or ‘SF’ or ‘ NF’. Click here for the list of prefixes that would appear in front of a company number according to the company type.
Where to find your company registration number
Companies House website
You can search the Companies House register. Just type in your company name in the search box as indicated. Then click the Search button. Your company name and number and other details should display.
Company incorporation certificate
Your company registration numbers are also printed prominently on your certificate of incorporation.
Company change of name certificate
Similarly, If you have recently changed your company names, Companies House would have issued you with your company change of name certificate. You would find your company registration numbers are printed on the certificate. For one thing, changing your company names would not affect your original company registration numbers.
All letters from Companies House
In addition, all Companies House letters sent to your company’s registered office address would have your company registration numbers printed on it. Ordinarily, it was used as their reference.
When you correspond with Companies House and HMRC, you must also use your company name and numbers as reference.
The incorporation emails
Usually, your company formation accountants would include your company registration numbers in the incorporation emails. Normally, the emails would include the Memorandum and Articles of Association and your certificate of incorporation. Also, your company authentication code.
When do you require your company registration numbers
Generally, you would require your company registration numbers in the following circumstances.
- Opening a business bank account.
- Submit the form 64-8 authorizing your accountants.
- Submit your CT41G form disclosing your trading status with HMRC.
- Register for value-added tax (VAT) with HMRC.
- Register for Pay As You Earn (PAYE) with HMRC when you start hiring staff or paying your director.
- Submit your company confirmation statement with Companies House.
- Prepare your company accounts. Otherwise, Companies House would reject your accounts if your company number is missing.
- Complete your corporation tax return.
- Notify Companies House of changes in your company details. For example, when you file the form AD01 to change your company registered office address you would require your company number.
Basically, any filing with Companies House you would require your company number. Whereas you would require your Unique Tax Reference (UTR) number in addition to your company name and number for filing with HMRC.
Besides, you must also display your company registration number on your business website, company letterhead and other official stationery.