Register a company with Companies House in the United Kingdom usually it is done through an accountant or a company formation agent.
Desire company name
You can use the company name availability checker to check if your desired company name is available for registration. Companies House has strict rules on company names, for example, your company names must not be misleading or contain inappropriate wording that is offensive. Similarly, your company names may not be too similar to existing company names already on their register.
However, you may do it yourself too. If this is the case, ensure your incorporation application includes the following documents.
Companies House form IN01
Use the form IN01 to register your limited company with Companies House with effect from 1 October 2009.
Formerly, the forms to use were Form 10 and Form 12 for company incorporation under Companies Act 1985.
Incorporation details required
You must complete the form IN01 and provide the following information.
- Directors’ name, date of birth, nationality, occupation and home address.
- Company secretary. This is optional for a private limited company unless you are forming a public limited company.
- Shareholders’ personal details and the number of shares to hold and the voting right attached to each share.
- Share capital.
- Registered office address. This must not be a PO Box address.
The form IN01 is 18 pages long.
Director service address
Under the Companies Act 2006, your director is required to provide a service address. The service address is for public record. The service address can be your registered office address or your home address. However, your director’s residential address can still be obtained via credit agency that providing credit check services to the public.
Registration Fees
There is a standard fee payable to Companies House for registering a limited company. Please contact Companies House directly for the fee information.
Other Incorporation Documents required
In addition, you must also include your memorandum of association and Articles of association with your incorporation form IN01.
1) Memorandum of Association
This should state your company name, the intended location of the registered office and the objects of your company.
2) Articles of Association
This should have detailed rules about the internal management of your company. If you don’t draw up your own articles, you may adopt the standard article (Table A) set out in the Companies Act 2006.
Certificate of incorporation
You cannot start trading until you obtained your certificate of incorporation for your limited company. Companies House will issue the certificate once incorporation is successful.
On the other hands, for registration of a public limited company, you must obtain a trading certificate before starts trading. This is in addition to your certificate of incorporation.
Post incorporation
Subsequently, you must deliver Confirmation Statement and company account to Companies House every year. This applies to a dormant company too.