A limited company can change its company name. This can be done by passing a special resolution with a majority of the shareholders’ vote for the change.
At the same time, you must make an application of change of company name with Companies House. Correspondingly, you submit a copy of the signed special resolution and a copy of the amended memorandum and articles to Companies House.
On the other hand, if your company name change is urgent. Then, you may opt for the same day name change service with Companies House. In this circumstance, you must deliver your documents to Companies House before 3 pm on the day.
Restrictions on company names
There are restrictions on the use of certain words and expression in a limited company name. Thus, the uses of specific sensitive words would require prior consent from the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry.
For example, if you would like to use the word, Accredited, in your company name. Then your company must obtain formal approval from the relevant governing body prior to submitting your application to change your company name. This is because the use of the word “accredited” in your company name implies your company is pre-eminent in the field or has a particular status or specific function.
The Registrar of Companies will process your application and if your desired company name meets the Companies Act requirement and it is available for registration. Consequently, Companies House will issue your certificate on change of name on the same day.
Post name change
From there on, use your new company names for every document deliver to Companies House including your confirmation statement and company accounts.