Usually, The board of directors control the management of a limited company as a whole and not individual director.
Commonly, formal meetings often dispensed with and the board of directors can delegate its powers to one or more board members and appoint a managing director.
Generally, they are different types of directors.
Part time directors
You may appoint a part time director, also known as non-executive director. Normally, non-executive director is with financial, legal or technical expertise that of huge contribution to the company growth.
Alternate directors
You may appoint an alternate director who speak and act on behalf of board of members in your temporary absence. However, you can only do this if you have an appropriate provision in the Articles.
Nominee directors
You may appoint Nominee directors to represent substantial shareholders. Your nominee directors must not act solely in their principal’s interests. But like any other director, in the interests of the company as a whole.
Shadow directors
Shadow directors are persons in accordance with instructions the directors are accustomed to act. Consequently, they have the same duties and obligations as any other directors.
Register of directors
As a rule, you must keep and maintain all your directors’ appointments in the Register of directors.
For a person director, you must keep the following information.
- Full name and any former name.
- A service address. For this purpose, this can either the company’s registered office address or the director’s home address.
- The usual country residence whether in the UK or any other state or country.
- Nationality.
- Occupation.
- Full date of birth.
Whereas for a corporate director, you must keep the following information.
- The corporate name or firm name.
- It’s principal registered office.
- In the case of an EEA company, where it is registered and its registration number. Otherwise, the legal form of the company or firm and the law by which it is governed. if applicable, where registered and its registration number.
On the other hand, you must also keep and maintain the register of directors’ usual residential addresses separately.
Besides, you must also fulfill the request to inspect your company registers. The law allows this.
Generally, all directors appointments and resignations must enter into your company registers. Subsequently, if there are any changes you must update the registers. At the same time, you also must notify Companies House. You submit the relevant Companies House forms within 14 days.
Likewise, you must include your director’s details in your confirmation statement. Typically, you are required to confirm whether your director’s details as at your confirmation statement filing due date is still valid.