A limited company may submit their company accounts on paper to Companies House. Above all, your company accounts must arrive at Companies House offices on time. Preferably well before your company’s filing due date. This is because your company will not be given any extra time if your accounts are rejected. As a result, you would get a late filing penalty even your accounts just late by one day.
Company name and number
Your company name and number must appear on your company accounts documents such as your directors’ report or balance sheet. The name and number may also be shown on any cover sheet delivered with your accounts.
Signatory on company accounts documents
Your company accounts must meet the following requirements:
- Director must sign on behalf of your board of directors and have his/her name printed on your balance sheet page.
- Your directors’ report must include the printed name of your director or company secretary who signed the report.
- if your company accounts include your auditor’s report, your auditor’s report must state your auditor’s name.
Please note that a legible signature on a balance sheet will not satisfy the additional requirement for a printed name. Companies House will reject any accounts that do not meet the above requirements. So it is important to check before submit your company accounts on paper.
Senior statutory auditor
Where your auditor is a firm, your auditor’s report must state the name of the auditor and the name of the person who signed it as the senior statutory auditor on behalf of the firm.
Other important Companies House filing
Another important Companies House filing your company must deliver is the Confirmation Statement.