Power of 8, what does this means? a business coach said usually people give up after two attempts. He further said you are likely to succeed if you attempt 8 times or more.
When I think of the number 8, I am thinking it represents prosperity and wealth. If you put the number 8 horizontally, the number 8 becomes the symbol of infinity. Infinity means limitless, bottomless, endless. Infinity of wealth is great.
I do think the power of 8 has its power. Personally, I like number 8 because it has no sharp edges on the number. To me, it represents smoothness and smooth is good in personal life, career life and business life.
I did attempt something 16 times previously to get what I want. Something that I never done before and I have no clue where to start either. The duration to get what I wanted was 3 years. First, I made the decision to go through the process. I had my super big WHY. This big WHY is very important and it helps you to hang in there when you fed up with life and wanted to give up. Your big WHY has to be super big that it overrides your fear.
Guard your heart, everything you do flow from it
There is a famous quote “guard your heart, for everything you do flow from it.” This is so true. First, you have to decide the path you are going to take. Thereafter, your thinking and actions will come naturally to support your decision.
Let me share with you a true story. A child wanted to join her mother on a mountain hiking trip. Her mother said she was too young (at that time) maybe when she was older. This child has never done any mountain climbing before nor her mother but she strongly believed that she can do it.
A year from that conversation, every year she reminded her mother she wanted to climb that mountain. She went on and on about it. She developed her mountain climbing skills by watching people shared their experiences on YouTube and also watching movies with hiking scenes. Cleverly, she noted down things that she thought would be useful for her hiking trip. She showed her mother the list of items she would need for the mountain hiking trip like the torch, the rain coat, mosquito repellant, snacks, socks and her handwritten list was an A4 size long.
She acted as if her mother would definitely take her hiking. At first, her mother was actually reluctant to take her because she has a heart defect. Many people think taking her hiking is very risky to her health. The child was so determined that she sent out vibes that she would reach the mountain peak no question about it. Her mother saw her determination, she eventually decided to help the child to reach her life goal.
The truth was the child was talking about the mountain climbing trip for 6 years and finally, she did it. On the mountain, she did feel like giving up when the climb was getting tough and she was tired. Again she made the decision to keep going, one step in front of another till she reached to the peak. She understand her mind controls her body and therefore her mind rules over it all. She reached the altitude level of 4000m above sea level.
Later on, they found out there was a research on the impact of altitude on Children’s heart by a group of research cardiologists based in UK. They took children with healthy heart to the first base camp of Mount Everest at 3500m above sea level.
This proof that the child’s mind can over power her heart condition. The child was inspired by the famous quote by Scott Fisher in the movie of the Mount Everest – “ It’s not the altitude, it’s the attitude.”
The child subconsciously used the power of 8 to achieve her life goal. She had definitely talked about her hiking desire more than 8 times in those 6 years and lost count the number of times she revised her mountain climbing list.
Use the power of 8 in your business
Anthony Robbins’s inspiring quote “if you want to take the island, you need to burn the boat.” By burning your boat, the only choice you have is to succeed in taking the island. The power of 8 becomes very useful here until you succeed.