Concise Accountancy

Accountants and Registered Auditors

Confirmation statementSIC codes

UK SIC 2007

You would require to choose at least one SIC code from the UK SIC 2007 codes list below when completing your confirmation statement for Companies House. The code you choose must closely represent your principal business activity. You can have more than one SIC codes. SIC codes explained here. The Office for National Statistics uses the UK SIC 2007 codes for statistical reports purposes.

UK SIC 2007 codes from Companies House

This is the latest and current condensed SIC codes list. Please only use the SIC codes listed below when completing your confirmation statement otherwise Companies House would reject your confirmation statement if you use the old or outdated SIC codes.

In brief, the current SIC codes have 5 digits and the old SIC codes have 4 digits.

The UK SIC 2007 codes are divided into sections by alphabetical order listed below. Please click on the alphabet to see the sub-list of the 5 digits SIC codes available for you to choose.

SIC codeDescription
Section AAgriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Section BMining and Quarrying
Section CManufacturing
Section DElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Section EWater supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Section FConstruction
Section GWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Section HTransportation and storage
Section IAccommodation and food service activities
Section JInformation and communication
Section KFinancial and insurance activities
Section LReal estate activities
Section MProfessional, scientific and technical activities
Section NAdministrative and support service activities
Section OPublic administration and defence; compulsory social security
Section PEducation
Section QHuman health and social work activities
Section RArts, entertainment and recreation
Section SOther service activities
Section TActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Section UActivities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
source: Companies House

File your confirmation statement

You can submit your confirmation statement to Companies House through web filing or by post on the printed paper form. If you are to submit your confirmation statement online, the SIC codes listed in the web filing dashboard is current and up to date the UK SIC 2007. You have zero chance of your confirmation statement being rejected due to using the incorrect SIC codes.

If you are to submit a printed paper confirmation statement form, then you would need to be mindful that the SIC codes you specify in your confirmation statement form are the UK SIC 2007 version, not the old SIC codes.

Your company accounts

In addition, you must also provide a description of your principal business activities in your yearly statutory accounts. Usually, the business activities disclosure is on the director’s report.

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