Change the location of the register of charges for your overseas company
You must complete the Companies House form OS AD02 to Change the location of the register of charges for your overseas company. Information required […]
You must complete the Companies House form OS AD02 to Change the location of the register of charges for your overseas company. Information required […]
You must complete the Companies House form OS CH02 to Change overseas company’s details. You must deliver this form to Companies House within 21 […]
You must complete the Companies House form OS TM03 to officially Terminate overseas company permanent representative. You can also use the same form (OS TM03) […]
You must complete the Companies House form OS TM02 to officially terminate overseas company secretary from the position. If you would like to terminate your […]
You must complete the Companies House form OS TM01 to officially terminate overseas company director from the position. If you would like to terminate your […]